“Behind-the-Scenes of Maleficent: Elle Fanning, Angelina Jolie, and Michelle Pfeiffer Share their Experience on Set”

The magical trio consisting of Elle Fanning, Angelina Jolie, and Michelle Pfeiffer are the stars of the promo campaign for the movie ‘Maleficent’.

Elle Fanning, Angelina Jolie and Michelle Pfeiffer - Promote 'Maleficent' 2019

Elle Fanning 2019 : Elle Fanning Angelina Jolie and Michelle Pfeiffer – Promote Maleficent 2019-03

Elle Fanning 2019 : Elle Fanning Angelina Jolie and Michelle Pfeiffer – Promote Maleficent 2019-06

Elle Fanning 2019 : Elle Fanning Angelina Jolie and Michelle Pfeiffer – Promote Maleficent 2019-11

Angelina Jolie is a famous Hollywood personality who is also a loving mother to six children, three of whom are adopted. Her first adopted child, Zahara Jolie-Pitt, was taken in when she was just six months old and has been given all the love and attention that any biological child would receive. Angelina treats her adopted children as if they were her own, just like Brad Pitt’s former wife. Zahara is definitely loved and cherished by her celebrity mother.

When Angelina Jolie adopted Zahara, she welcomed her into her home and raised her as her own child. Initially, Zahara was living in a children’s home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Angelina’s decision to adopt her raised several questions among people. Some believed that Angelina saw something special in Zahara. Compared to Angelina’s other adopted children, Zahara’s life has been unique.

Angelina Jolie has always shown immense love for her adopted daughter, Zahara. The actress once shared that Zahara had revealed her biological mother passed away due to an illness. However, in 2017, the British Daily Mail published an exclusive interview with Zahara’s biological mother, who contradicted this claim. She stated that she had given up her child to a charity home because of an unexpected birth, and not as a result of any illness. Despite this revelation, the biological mother acknowledged that Jolie had been more of a mother figure to Zahara than herself. She also expressed that although Jolie had been in Zahara’s life since she was young, it in no way meant that she did not miss her child.

The biological mother of Zahara has recognized Angelina Jolie’s exceptional parenting skills towards her daughter. Moreover, the Hollywood actress has admitted to learning a lot from her adopted child. Zahara is not just a daughter to Angelina but also a crucial part of her family, as per her statement. Her fans have praised her for taking her daughter along on movie sets instead of leaving her behind, highlighting her exceptional care towards Zahara.

Hollywood Life’s pictures show Angelina Jolie and her daughter walking side by side along the street on multiple occasions. They seem to enjoy each other’s company as they hold hands while walking.

The affectionate bond between a renowned actress, most notable for her role in The Secret of the Ancient Tomb, and her adopted child is plain to see in every little moment they share, as seen in a photo featured on Hollywood Life. Zahara, who was raised with great care by Angelina Jolie, had never lacked anything growing up. She frequently joins her mother for strolls around the neighborhood and makes elegant appearances on the red carpet at major events. Despite not fitting conventional beauty standards, Zahara consistently impresses with her impeccable fashion sense, donning luxurious and well-kept attire. Furthermore, the adopted daughter of the Dark Fairy confidently handles media attention.

Us Weekly has reported that Angelina Jolie has been often spotted with her adopted daughter during different events.

Angelina Jolie has a penchant for making sure that her beloved adopted daughter is adorned in luxurious attire.

Angelina Jolie accompanied Zahara to several prominent events in the entertainment industry, and it was evident that the young girl was comfortable in social situations, as she mingled effortlessly with the other attendees.

Angelina Jolie shows unconditional love and care towards both her adopted son Zahara and biological daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, treating them equally. The siblings share a strong bond with each other, and at a recent event, Zahara held Shiloh’s hand tightly, drawing the attention of everyone present.

According to an article from Us Weekly, Zahara and Shiloh have a strong relationship with one another.

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